In today’s blog, we will walk through the process of building a Declarative CI/CD Pipeline for a Flask App. The source code for this app will be managed and saved in a Git repository, and the pipeline will be defined using a Jenkinsfile. This approach will automate the process of deploying new changes every time a commit is made to the Git repository.
Steps to build CICD pipeline for Flask-App project
Following are the steps to follow:
Step-1: Creating two ec2 servers and install required packages
Launch two ec2 instances running ubuntu servers, one for Jenkins-Master node and another for Jenkins-Slave node. Keep in mind that Jenkins should have a dedicated server. So, Master node will manage Jenkins jobs and assign it to the Slave or Worker node by defining them as agent.
Install the following java commands on Master node.
sudo apt update sudo apt install fontconfig openjdk-17-jre java -version openjdk version "17.0.13" 2024-10-15 OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 17.0.13+11-Debian-2) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 17.0.13+11-Debian-2, mixed mode, sharing)
Install Jenkins on Master node.
sudo wget -O /usr/share/keyrings/jenkins-keyring.asc \ echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/jenkins-keyring.asc]" \ binary/ | sudo tee \ /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list > /dev/null sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install jenkins
Go to Slave node or worker node and install java dependencies on it so that Jenkins can communicate with it. Commands to install java will remain same as above (see no. 2.).
Install docker and setup ubuntu user in docker group as pipeline will run on slave node.
sudo apt-get install sudo usermod -aG docker ubuntu newgrp docker sudo apt install docker-compose
Step-2: Initializing Jenkins and connect Master node to Server Node using SSH
After installing Jenkins on Master node, Go to ec2 server of Master and open port 8080 to connect Jenkins in inbound security rules. Now run <Master-PublicIP>:8080 and you will see Jenkins portal there. For the first time in Jenkins, we need to set-up username and password. for that go to the path showing on screen and check for the authentication key as shown below. After that set-up username and password for the same. Install all plugins in Jenkins and you will find yourself on welcome page.
Create a directory in Slave node with the name apps. It is like WORKDIR used in docker, where whole project will reside.
Now the next is ssh-ing between Master and Slave node. If Master node wants to connect to Slave node, Master should have private key, whereas its public key should be shared with Slave. So, generate Key-pair by using ssh-keygen command as shown above and copy public key in authorized keys on Slave as shown below.
Now you will find both the servers are connected through ssh keypair. To check the same you can write the following in Master node
ssh -i /path/to/private-key.pem username@hostname_or_ip-of-slave-node
Step-3: Setting up Declarative Pipeline in Jenkins
The above are the steps to create a pipeline. Here, the https link for git-hub repository containing the git-hub project is given. Also, we select the option for ‘GitHub hook trigger’ with ‘Poll SCM’ which will trigger if there is any change in the code. Moreover, to automate whole process, we selected ‘Pipeline script from SCM’ option which will trigger the Jenkins pipeline using Jenkins file from the given Git repository.
Step-4: Connect Master to Slave in Jenkins GUI using Agents/ Nodes
Go to Dashboard ——> Nodes ——> Create Node
Here, we created a node representing Slave with the name ‘worker-node1’ and working directory will be apps which we defined in Slave CLI. Label this node in ‘Dev’ category which will help Master node while assigning work to the agent.
Now, setup credentials for Jenkins. Select SSH username with public key. Add username of your server, here its ubuntu. Now add private key of Master node in the field of private key. Also the Host will be the IP address of Slave Node. Select non-verifying strategy because we don’t want further verification and add agent.
In the below image, you can see the agent is set up and ready to take jobs. You will find in Jenkins file, agents are assigned with labels always. Here label is ‘Dev‘.
Step-5: Deploying CICD of Flask app
Here is the final view of pipeline running all the stages define in Jenkins.
To check the application running on Slave Node or not, open the webpage with <Slave-PublicIP>:8000. If your pipeline is running fine, you will see the below output of Flask app.
Make sure all the ports used in the applications should be open in the in-bound rules of respective ec2-server.
Setting-Up Webhooks to trigger GitHub commits
Go to settings of your repository in GitHub and add Webhooks.
Payload: jenkins-master-public-ip:8080/github-webhook
Event: select the event when you want to trigger webhook from Git to Jenkins
Hence, the Webhook is created.
Understanding Jenkinsfile
pipeline { agent { node { label "Dev" } } stages { stage("Code") { steps { git url: "", branch: "master" echo "Code is clonned" } } stage("Build & Test") { steps { sh "docker build -t FlaskImg:latest ." echo "Code is built and tested" } } stage("Credentials") { steps { echo "Credentials for username and Password added" withCredentials( [usernamePassword( credentialsId: "dockerhubcreds", passwordVariable: "dockerHubPass", usernameVariable: "dockerHubUser" ) ] ) { sh "docker image tag FlaskImg:latest ${env.dockerHubUser}/FlaskImg-jenkins:latest" sh "docker login -u ${env.dockerHubUser} -p ${env.dockerHubPass}" sh "docker push ${env.dockerHubUser}/FlaskImg-jenkins:latest" } } } stage("Deploy") { steps { sh "docker-compose down && docker-compose up -d" echo "Application is deployed" } } } }
This Jenkins pipeline script defines a series of stages to automate the process of building, testing, and deploying a Dockerized application, specifically a Flask app, from a Git repository to Docker Hub and a deployment environment. Here's a breakdown of the pipeline:
Pipeline Breakdown:
Agent Declaration:
- The pipeline will run on a node with the label “Dev“. This means Jenkins will use an agent (e.g., a Jenkins worker) that is labeled "Dev" to run the pipeline.
Stages: The pipeline consists of several stages. Each stage contains steps that define the actions to be taken in that phase.
Stage 1: Code
Clone the Git repository containing the code.
git url: "", branch: "master"
Stage 2: Build & Test
Build the Docker image for the application.
sh "docker build -t FlaskImg:latest ."
Stage 3: Credentials
Add credentials for Docker Hub login and push the Docker image to Docker Hub.
‘withCredentials([….])’: This block retrieves the Docker Hub credentials (stored in Jenkins' credentials store) using ‘usernamePassword’. The credentials are passed into the environment variables ‘dockerHubUser’ and ‘dockerHubPass’.
stage("Credentials") { steps { echo "Credentials for username and Password added" withCredentials( [usernamePassword( credentialsId: "dockerhubcreds", passwordVariable: "dockerHubPass", usernameVariable: "dockerHubUser" ) ] )
Below step will tags the ‘FlaskImg:latest‘ image with a new name, using the ‘dockerHubUser’ as the prefix (e.g., username/FlaskImg-jenkins:latest)
sh "docker image tag FlaskImg:latest ${env.dockerHubUser}/FlaskImg-jenkins:latest"
Below command will logs in to Docker Hub using the credentials from the environment variables.
sh "docker login -u ${env.dockerHubUser} -p ${env.dockerHubPass}"
Below command will pushes the newly tagged image to Docker Hub.
sh "docker push ${env.dockerHubUser}/FlaskImg-jenkins:latest"
Stage 4: Deploy
Deploy the application. It will stops and removes any running containers and services using Docker Compose, then starts the services in detached mode (-d). This assumes there is a ‘docker-compose.yml’ file to define the deployment.
Pushing Image to Docker Hub
Steps to generate PAT in Docker Hub
Go to Docker Hub ——→ Account Settings ——→ PAT ——→ Generate new token for Read, Write and Delete ——→ Save token
Copy this token and add in Jenkins credentials as Docker Hub Password.
Steps to add Docker Hub credentials in Jenkins
Go to ——→ Manage Jenkins ——→ Security ——→ Credentials ——→ Stores scoped to Jenkins ——→ Clock on global domain ——→ go to Global Credentials ——→ Add credentials
To add credentials, we need Username, Password and ID.
Username will be the name of your Docker Hub account,
Password will be Personal Access Token generated in Docker Hub and
ID will be a name which will represent username + password.
Here, ID used is “dockerhubcreds“